Tik Tok

♬ ♫ ♪
Don't stop, make it pop
DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, Imma fight
Till we see the sunlight
Tick tock, on the clock
But the party don't stop,no
Woah-oh oh oh 
♪ ♫ ♬

Oit, kau merepek apa. Exam belum abis lagi la. syuh3.. pergi study sana!

All the best InterMed 07' :)

4 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    huh... trus kan usaha... bsmgat sy study tgk ko update ko nyer blog ni.. hihi

  2. udienjai says:

    huh' ape motif? haha' all the best hanafiah :)

  3. ain says:

    gudluck,sudin! :)
    p/s:itu lagu apa?
    (hanafiah stalker sudin rupanya..:P)